About Us
Welcome to Fabulous Finch!
Fabulous Finch is an aviary specializing in the breeding of Lady Gouldian Finches. Our breeding stock was selectively acquired from a number of top Gouldian breeders across the nation. In most cases, our breeding pairs were formed with the male and female each coming from a different breeder to merge fresh genetics from already outstanding birds. We are genetically structured to produce most Gouldian color mutations, so we are sure to have the bird for you!
The olive branch on our logo represents a sign of hope for the Lady Gouldian Finch in nature. Please visit Save the Gouldian Fund using the link at the bottom of this page.
We are an indoor aviary, breeding in single pair cages with larger cages used for the resting season. Our heating, lighting, and humidity are all fully automated to allow us to adjust the environment, moving the birds through the seasons to optimize breeding conditions, as well as the resting season. Ventilation fans run continuously, completely replacing the air in the aviary every hour with HEPA filtered air. Once inside the aviary, the air is additionally treated with UVC Germicidal Air Scrubbers that use invisible ultraviolet light to kill airborne bacteria, viruses, and other infectious microorganisms. All of this is done to insure the most sanitary environment possible for our Lady Gouldians.
Note: In our NEW location in Central Michigan we have an almost 3000 sq ft facility which has a brand new, top-of-the-line, HEPA filtered and UV sterilized forced air furnace and air conditioner - bigger and better than before. We also have a back-up generator that automatically kicks on after 15 seconds of power loss and runs automatically till the power is restored. In addition, breeding is now done is a totally separate and specially climate controlled room for optimum success in breeding and health of the new chicks.
Gouldians For Sale
This is where you will find Lady Gouldian Finches that are available for sale, their price, and a representative picture of the color mutation. The pictures displayed will be examples of birds we have bred. All Gouldians are parent raised. We do not sell a bird until they have completed their juvenile molt (fully colored out) at which time they are offered for sale by listing them under the "Available" column. We offer shipping via Delta Airlines anywhere in the continental United States.
Bird Care Products
Fabulous Finch now offers the Save the Gouldian Fund Complete Softfood Concentrate, the most scientifically advanced soft food in the world for high metabolism birds, including Finches, Canaries, Softbills, and Small Parrots. Our Birds R Us product line represents a complete nutritional system using foods for birds that eliminate the need for artificial nutritional supplements. Fabulous Finch works closely with the Save the Gouldian Fund in product development as their research evolves. Our product line also includes Mike Fidler's Premium Herb Seed Mix, Sprouting Seed Blends, and Finch Seed Formulas that will allow you to reproduce the diet fed to the captive birds at the Save the Gouldian Fund, a world class organization dedicated to finch research and finch conservation.
In the DVD "At Home with Mike Fidler" you will learn about everyting from cage and aviary design to nutrition from the foremost breeder of Gouldian and Parrot Finches in the world. Mike's best practices are state of the art, yet practical and will benefit birdkeepers of all skill levels, from the beginner to the most experienced. You will move light years ahead in your understanding of avian nutrition and bird care after just one viewing of this DVD.
We are also proud to offer Morning Bird and Vetafarm Australia avian medications to help keep your birds healthy when the need arises, and "Miracle Meal" from Morning Bird which gives you an excellent delivery system for the Save the Gouldian Fund Complete Softfood Concentrate if you are not able or willing to sprout chitted seed.
Lil' Buddy's Northern Territory Weather Report
Lady Gouldian Finches are native to only one location in the world, and that is the northern most regions of Australia (where they are on the endangered species list). In researching the weather conditions in the northern regions of the Northern Territory of Australia (one of their primary remaining habitats) to help us understand the ideal breeding conditions for these little wonders, we realized we could also have some fun. The primary breeding season for Gouldians runs from February through July (which is mid-summer through mid-winter down under). Based on a 45 year average of the weather data that we studied, we found the average temperature to be 78 degrees and the average humidity to be 52% during these months. Of course the summer months were more extreme, and the winter months more moderate. But we were looking for the average, assuming our little friends were probably most comfortable at the mid point of their breeding season. During this study, we became intrigued with the extremely different weather conditions of a very different tropical jungle than what you might expect. We thought you might enjoy tuning in every now and then to follow the weather with Lil' Buddy, our roving reporter and mascot, as he takes you through the seasons of a Lady Gouldian Finch in nature.
Shirts, Hats, and Coffee Mugs for Gouldian enthusiasts using the Fabulous Finch artwork! Plus books from ABK Publications (Australia) on the Gouldian finch.
Contact Information
Please feel free to call or email at any time with questions regarding the care and/or purchase of Lady Gouldian Finches. If we don't answer your call, please leave a message and the best time to contact you. We will call you back usually within 24 hours (except on weekends - it may take 48 hours to get back with you.)
- 989-763-2743
- fabulousfinch@fabulousfinch.com
- Fabulous Finch, LLC
- 2020 S. Mission St. Tree 435
- Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Proud Sponsor (Please Give Generously)

Fabulous Finch has pledged to donate a portion of all Bird Care Product sales to Save the Gouldian Fund, an organization dedicated to the study and preservation of the Gouldian Finch in its natural habitat. There are less than 2500 Gouldians remaining in the wild. By donating directly to the fund by visiting their website, or by purchasing your Bird Care Products from Fabulous Finch you will be making a significant contribution to their efforts!
Commercial Member



Links of Interest
ABK Publications/Australian Birdkeeper Magazine Publishers of the colorful "A Guide to" series books including "A Guide to Gouldian Finches and their mutations." Currently 22 Titles and a Bi-monthly magazine.
Clifton Finch Aviaries An excellent series of articles on finch keeping by Australian aviculturist Marcus Pollard (a founding member of the Save the Gouldian Fund).
Macquarie University Avian Behavioural Ecology Group The science behind the Save the Gouldian Fund is centered at Macquarie University - Sydney, where both Dr. Sarah Pryke and Dr. Simon Griffith are based. Fast becoming a world class center for ornithology, the Avian Behavioural Ecology Group is well equipped for Behavioural Biology research including facilities for holding and breeding 2000 finches; optical reflectance spectrometry, video/acoustic recording, analysis and playback; molecular lab for microsatellite genotyping with access to a sequencing facility and well established study populations in central and tropical Australia. Through cooperative arrangements and collaborations they have access to a range of expertise and facilities.
Talking Birds - Australia's Avian Newspaper Talking Birds publishes an excellent avian newspaper on a monthly basis that is distributed internationally. Their website offers online documents and videos, and an extensive and well organized catalog of international links of interest for all avian species. A "must have" news publication for any bird enthusiast